Monday, January 22, 2018

Everyone has Them

Today, I am talking about insecurities. Everyone has insecurities in their life, big or small.

Last week, I had at least one melt down about my past, my present, and my future. It is easy to feel insecure when nothing seems to be going how you once planned. A friend of mine also had a bit of a meltdown over similar issues. This happens to everyone, literally everyone.

I believe my insecurities come from three main sources: lack of self confidence, rejection, and failure.

Self confidence. In my life, I have never been super self confident. I have always felt a little bit less than everyone else. I always compared myself to my older sister. This happened at school, because we had the same teachers. This also happened at home. I even compared my life to what my friends did or what they had. A few years ago, I started going to the gym. This helped my self confidence in more than one way. I started to look better and feel better. Right now, I am still going to gym almost every day but I am feeling less self confident due to other circumstances. For example, I do not currently have a job and I need a kidney. What man wants to date that?

Rejection. It is not a pleasant thing to have happen. I have now been rejected by two people that I loved with all of my heart. I thought they felt the same way. It hurts when someone you love rejects you, obviously. But rejection in the work place or with friends can hurt too. It is such a painful process that people will avoid dating or asking for promotion just to avoid that hurt feeling. Sometimes, you have to take risks and see what happens. If the consequences are painful, then deal with it them. I am still figuring out this recovery process.

Failure. The feeling of failure might be worse than rejection, depending on who you ask. I have felt like a failure more than once in life. I feel like rejection is worse because it is not up to you. It is another person turning you down or turning away from you. Maybe you did something horrible and maybe it just wasn't meant to be. For others, failure is definitely the worst feeling of all of the feelings. You can fail yourself or others. If you want to impress someone, like your parents, and you feel like you have failed it will eat you up. It is important that you know that you tried and somethings do not work out.

In all of these, it is important to remember that your true friends and your family will love you no matter what. It also helps to remember that a person can work past all of these. There are many ways to "fix" your life. Of course, some things are out of our control but you can handle a situation in your own way. Everything takes time and patience. For me, it helps to remember two things...

Just Keep Swimming & This Too Shall Pass

1 comment:


All I can think about are the unanswered questions.  Why didn't he speak up? Why didn't he try to make things better? What did I do ...